headEuroazjaAm EN 8



The Schedule of the peregrination of the Czestochowa Icon in Slovenia: 17 - 20 September

Lendava: 17.09.
9:00 - 13:00 (St. Catherine)

Maribor: 17-18.09.
17.09., 18:00 - 18.09., 9:00 (Cathedral of St. John the Baptist)

Koper: 18-19.09.
18.09., 18:00 - 19.09., 7:30 (St. Mark)
19.09., 8:30 - 11:00 (Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary)

Ljubljana: 19-20.09.
19.09., 13:00 - 20.09., 9:00 (Cathedral of St. Nicholas)

Novo Mesto: 20.09. 11:30 - 14:30